Our Programs


young men of purpose

In partnership with Mentor2Youth, Parkridge Community Center, and Christian Love Fellowship Church, our Young Men of Purpose program aims to increase the number of young Black and Brown men in Ypsilanti Community Schools successfully persisting through middle school (grades 6 – 8) and matriculating to attend high school. Our areas of focus are academics, social/life Skills, community service, self-development, leadership, college & career readiness and high school transition.



Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1PM


Ypsi Middle School


50 strong breakfasts

The 50 Strong Breakfast is our opportunity for monthly intergenerational fellowship. Here Black and Brown men of all ages can come together to break bread, network, share ideas and resources, and community build. Though the perspective and voice of Black and Brown men are centered, our breakfasts are open to anyone in the community that wants to attend.


Second Saturday of Every Month - 10AM to 11:30AM


Locations rotate; Check social media


formula 734

Formula 734 engages local high school age (and older) Black and Brown men to encourage them to be thoughtful music artists and reflexive community leaders. We wanted to document their ideas and performances in a music album and capture the process in an accompanying documentary. Once per week we meet to provide a space for the men to talk, fellowship, and create music.


Check website for more information


Grove Studios | Ypsilanti


clr academy

CLR Academy is a free youth sports academy that provides consistent mentorship, coaching and guidance for kids K-8 with ongoing summer programming directly in the neighborhoods of the most underserved Black and Brown youth.

CLR (Community, Leadership, Revolution) uses restorative justice circle work, conflict resolution and mindfulness techniques such as yoga, journaling and meditation, while providing sports sampling, nutrition education and exposure to new activities all summer long. CLR Academy not only provides free sports equipment and snacks, but also free books along with author meet and greets and readings from community members. From breakdancing with their friends and parents to viewing artifacts from the Black Mobile History Museum, CLR Academy students are introduced to holistic healthy lifestyles and empowered with new opportunities. 


Begins June 2022; Offering 12, 8 and 4 week programs


Sycamore Meadows, South Side Ypsi and Willow Run