My Brother’s Keeper Alliance

WMBK is a local affiliate of the national MBK initiative organized through the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. As President Barack Obama announced the  My Brother’s Keeper Challenge in February 2014, the MBK Alliance now provides strategic support, technical assistance, and connections to funding opportunities to local MBK communities.

The MBK Alliance  is guided by six national MBK milestones that are crucial to the academic and economic success of boys and young men of color, and have informed the thinking and development of the Washtenaw MBK community:

  1. Entering School Ready to Learn

  2. Reading at Grade Level by Third Grade

  3. Graduating From High School Ready for College and Career

  4. Completing Post-Secondary Education or Training

  5. Successfully Entering the Workforce

  6. Being Safe From Violence and Being Provided Second Chances